Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Baby Payton

Such a little angel!! Maybe its due to being pregnant and 3 weeks away from my due date, but I really did just want to sit and cuddle her, I really didn't want to put her down!!! She is such a beautiful sweet baby, and I got to enjoy a lot of her eyes!! I swear babies who normally sleep all day long, as soon as they are around me decide they'd rather not sleep and be awake the whole time. I guess i'm in need of some major "tricks" to get newborns to sleep!!

At this point i'm really not very mobile (lets hope this baby comes soon!) so I feel bad I wasn't able to lay on the floor and get the shots and angles I could have if I didn't have a huge belly and a body that doesn't want to work right now..  So here are a few from today, I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed getting to cuddle little Payton!

these are really for Sonya's eyes only.. Here are the "samples" of birth announcements. I wanted to get them out to you right away to see if you wanted them, and my darn hotmail doesn't want to upload anything?? kinda odd!! But they upload onto here, so I can take them down after you look at them so it doesn't ruin anything if you do decide to go with them 

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